Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 12:30PM
Miller's Homestead
Are you interested in taking part in a deeper exploration of mindfulness?
This free 8-week evidence-based program facilitated by Mandy Mercuri, explores formal and informal mindfulness practices to discover greater choices for managing and relating to stress, anxiety and difficult emotions. It involves eight, 2.5 hour weekly sessions and also includes a full day of mindfulness (Sunday 9 June, 10am-4pm at Miller's Homestead). Dates are: 16/4, 23/4, 14/5, 21/5, 28/5, 4/6, 11/6 & 18/6. The 8 sessions are free but there are some small charges for resources (An app and book -$33) Both of these are optional and can be organised direct with Mandy.
12:30PM - 3:00PM
Tuesday 23 April 2024
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The Parlour
Miller's Homestead
Dorrigo Dr & Melrose Ct
Boronia VIC
Google Maps
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a blanket for the session. Help yourself to a free cuppa from the Miller's kitchen afterwards, and feel free to bring afternoon tea to enjoy in the garden.
For more information about Mandy, follow her Facebook blog -
This event has concluded. It's a little too late to make a booking!