Event Concluded

Event Description

Reading gives you another perfect opportunity to cuddle and connect with your baby. Reading to your unborn baby is also a great way to bond. Reading aloud makes a connection between the things your baby loves the most – your voice and closeness – and books. Sharing the joy of books encourages your child to grow up a reader!
Cuddle up with your little one, and join us for our special storytime at 10:00am, for gentle rhymes, songs, lullabies and stories.
You are welcome to enjoy a cuppa, and the company of fellow parents and parents-to-be, before and after our Storytime session.


9:30AM - 11:30AM
Monday 25 March 2024
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03 9800 6488


Boronia Community Room
Boronia Library
Park Crescent
Boronia VIC
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There's no need to book your place for this event. Just meet us at Boronia Library.


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